
Stephane Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images

earlier this year,Scarlett Johanssonshare AN op-ed inUSA todayafter the Agriculture shared a report that showed that44 meg people(which industrial plant out to unity in 7) in the unify States, including 13 meg children lived in food insecure households in 2022 — a sharp rise from data pulled in 2021. Today, Johansson, who be a feeding AmericaEntertainment Councilmember, shared her possess experience with food insecurity as she was growing up. Teaming with Feeding America, fluent360, and the Ad Council, the Marvel actress unveil that her house rely on public assistance.

“Growing up, my blood brother and I went to populace school. We were pretty formula kids; we loved playing with our friend and running around at recess. And at lunchtime, we would eat hot meal the likes of most of our classmates. Back then, I didn’t even think twice about the food we Ate — I was just happy at school, learning, existence A kid,” she share in theblog post. “Now, As an adult, iodin have a enormous amount of gratitude for those meals. My family relied on public assistance, and the meal atomic number 53 ate astatine school were part of the free school lunch program — which provides free breakfast and lunch to educatee from low-income families.”

With her narrative out in the open and a video sharing her experiences, Johansson hopes to radiancy a visible light on food insecurity and support theFeeding Americanetwork of nutrient banks, which provide food for families from coast to coast. Johansson’s clip promote anyone WHO want to assistance to find out how they can get involved.

“With those meals, my brother and iodine had the nourishment and energy to get through our twenty-four hour period of learning and playing, and do all the things healthy kids get to do. And that food supported my development exterior school, too. Being fed and healthy helped fuel my involvement in theater and the humanities atomic number 33 a kid, which fostered my love for acting,” Johansson continued. “Now that I have tike of my own, the first thing I worry about be making sure they are furnish for and that they ar Federal and nourished. atomic number 53 can only envisage the assuagement my parent felt, knowing my sib and atomic number 53 had access to meals at school. every day, parents are there for their children – to celebrate their success and support them on their journeys – and no parent should rich person to vexation astir where their children’s following meal be going to come from.”


Johansson’s mate indicate out that her story offers a new perspective on who be effectuate by food insecurity and how assistance can play angstrom huge function inch the lives of menage and individual who May not know when they May have another meal.

“Each somebody facing hungriness hour angle angstrom unit unequaled story with an of import position on what they demand to thrive. Futures tin be nourished when we heart people with lived Beaver State living experience in the solutions to fight hunger,” Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, Feeding United States of America CEO, added. “We are thankful Scarlett Johansson is using her voice and experience to share the possibilities that come from when people ar fed. The movement to end hunger be afoot in the United States, and if we all work together to center our neighbor World Health Organization have experienced food insecurity, we can ensure that no unity goes hungry in America.”

“We’re so grateful for Scarlett Johansson for using her voice and sharing her inhabit experiences, boost soul to joint the movement to terminal hungriness in America,” said Heidi Arthur, chief Campaign development Officer at the Ad Council. “This powerful new PSA builds on the Ad Council’s longstanding partnership with Feeding America to raise cognizance and deepen the public’s understanding of food insecurity. Together, we tin create an America where everyone HA the nutritious food they need to thrive.”

Johansson reason with angstrom unit message of hope not only for the families and children of America, but the whole world. With her latest effort, she believes that she and admirer can flicker A alteration and that there can beryllium A shift in food security around the world.

“I’m proud to support Feeding America — because I believe inch a world without food insecurity. atomic number 53 believe in a world where child have food on their home plate and full-of-the-moon stomachs,” she wrote in the statement. “Where small fry thrive and grow and brawl amazing things — with food to fuel every second of laughter, discovery, and success.”