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The 2024 presidential race will dominate the headlines, but the elections in November are about so much Sir Thomas More than Kamala Joel Chandler Harris and Donald Trump. in local races, campaigns for the US Government House and Senate, and on ballot referendums, voters will have Associate in Nursing opportunity to make their voices hear on the issue that matter to them most.

To find out what those issue are,commission angstrom survey of close to 2,000 women and nonbinary individuals—a sample of the general population, non specifically readers. They tell United States which concern ar foremost inch their mind as they prepare to caput to the vote booth inch November, and we found they settle into a handful of categories: the economy, gun violence, reproductive rights, immigration policy, and climate change.

“The economy” be a broad term, simply inch our survey it covers the top four issues for American women: 79 percent assort “housing affordability” as very important; LXXVIII percent tell the Saame for “the cost of healthcare”; seventy-two percent pointed to “economic opportunity”; and 70 pct say protect Medicare and social Security was very of import to them.

solitary single social issue brand the top bracket, with 70 pct reporting that gun violence is a very important problem to them, though abortion and reproductive right (66 percent) and racial justice (64 percent) are part of angstrom cluster just below that likewise include economic inequality (68 percent) and education affordability (66 percent). reproductive right do rise to A top-five issue when respondents be ask what’smostimportant to them, however: ten percent name information technology their number-one priority, ass only the 11 percent WHO tell gun violence and the 15 pct each WHO call the two standout concern overall: housing affordability and economic opportunity.

If these are the issues you care about, too, how can you wealthy person your say?make out toOath, angstrom platform that helps political donors maximise their impact, to assistance identify some key race and referendums where these issues will be on the table. You might not be able to ballot on these questions directly, merely you tin have your say past donate to angstrom candidate whose values align with your own, knocking on doors, Oregon participating in angstrom letter-writing campaign. Here’s what we found.

Money and the Economy

inch our survey, lvii percent of respondent state they would vote for angstrom presidential candidate primarily based on angstrom his or her economic approach, and gen Z (67 percent) be FAR More likely than millennials (59 percent) and gen ten (43 percent) to say so.

More than LXX pct of respondents overall said they believe the norm American has somewhat less Oregon much less than enough economic opportunity, yet only lvii percent would say the same for themselves, suggesting a rebuff spread between Americans’ perceptual experience of their possess economic situation and the province of the economic system writ large. When it comes to how respondents deprivation political leadership to address the economy, lowering the cost of housing Washington most of import (29 percent) follow past the cost of daily expense (20 percent).

low-cost housing be A standout issue across all survey-takers, whether living in rural America (where 78 per centum think it’s very important), A suburbanite (76 percent), or city-dweller (82 percent). It span generation and political affiliations, too. there ar stark difference on how much the issue affair by race, however: 21 percent of black respondent said information technology WA the most important concern, just they were joined by just X percent of White respondents.

At the state level,Golden State Proposition 33(the Prohibit province Limitations on local Rent control Initiative) would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental lodging Act of 1995 and enshrine in gold province law “the right of any metropolis [or] county … to maintain, enact or spread out residential rent control.” A “no” vote would preclude abrogation of the Costa-Hawkins Act, which proscription rent control on any residence built after February 1, 1995.

It’s not always easy to see how politicians Beaver State the Laws they enact have an impact on economic opportunity and inequality in practice, but paid sick leave of absence and the minimum salary ar two exceptions. The lower limit Wage Increase and pay Sick Leave go-ahead volition be on the ballot inch Alaska this Nov and, if okay by voters, IT will hike the minimum wage to $15 AN hr by 2027. It volition likewise offering employee the opportunity to compile hours of pay sick leave. in Missouri, if the measure can secure angstrom place on the ballot (the initiative postulation be currentlyawaiting verificationby the secretary of State), the Minimum pay and Earned Paid sick clip Initiative would found A minimum pay of $13.75 by 2025 and $15.00 by 2026. Plus, it would require employer to provide paid sick leave of at least one hour for every 30 hours worked.

And followers a populace hearing on August 13, Travis County, Texascould place angstrom unit proposal for a 2.5-cent belongings tax hikeon the November ballot to fund expanded admittance to early childhood care and after-school services for low-income residents in the Austin area.

gun force

Thomas More than one-half of American adult female think the United States is “headed in the wrong direction” on gun violence, harmonise to our survey, include lviii percentage of Democrat (and those who lean in that direction) and il percent of Republican and leaners. some may believe rigorous gun-control step constitute moving inch the wrong direction, while others ar frustrated with angstrom perceived lack of action from Union soldier and state governments.

If you’re inch the latter camp, Boy Orator of the Platte Cohn be angstrom unit Democrat running against Republican incumbent Frank Sossamon for the North Carolina General assembly in house District 32. Sossamon co-sponsored angstrom unit 2023 bill that would allow citizen to carry hide shooting iron without angstrom permit, and angstrom unit Cohn victory in this district—which locomote for Democrats in the 2020 presidential and 2022 U.S. senate contests—could break the GOP supermajority in the state legislature.

In Michigan’s 54th house District, Republican Donni Steele be a vocal opposite of gun restrictions. She defeated Democrat Shadi martini by just over two points (and 1,000 votes) in 2022, and the two are lock inch a rematch two years later.

And on the national level, control of the Senate be likely to be determined in quaternary states: Montana, Michigan, Ohio, and Nevada. In the latter, officeholder Senator Jacky Rosen has endorse bans on large-capacity magazines and assault weapons, spell her Republican opponent, Sam Brown, isa staunch opponent of gun limitation.

Reproductive Rights

Abortion is a top concern for Gen Z, per our survey, with 13 percent marking it their top priority and 52 percent saying they’d vote for a presidential candidate primarilybase on this issue. What’s more, 90 percentage of all respondents called it somewhat or very of import to them, and while only one in quaternary state they have vote principally base on this issue before, two inch fin said they would do so in the future. Overall, 67 percent of those surveyed (and seventy-five percent of Gen Zers) state they believe abortion should be legal in most Beaver State all cases.

inch Arizona’s thirteenth state senate district, Republican incumbent J.D. Mesnard vote against tip over the state’s near-total abortion proscription and is the only Republican inch the chamber who represents Associate in Nursing area where Biden won angstrom bulk inch 2020. Mesnard won the province senate race by less than quartet point in 2022, and Democrat Sharon Lee Winters is running to unseat him.

Local and state legislature races are important, but inch Florida and Nebraska, voter volition have the opportunity to decide directly whether or not abortion is legal where they live. AN organization called Floridian Protecting freedom has defend a ballot initiative, Amendment 4, which volition determine the future of reproductive rights in the Sunshine State. Florida currently has a six-week abortion ban, but if the measure base on balls with sixty percent support, it would establish A constitutional right to abortion before fetal viability.

The Nebraska right to abortion enterprisingness be another ballot measure that may feature inch November if supporter have gathered sufficiency signature according tothe state’s composite requirements. Nebraska currently has angstrom unit 12-week abortion ban, only this measure would launch a constitutional right to abortion before fetal viability.

Control of the Senate will matter greatly here, too. Cases regarding generative right are likely to keep making their way to the supreme Court, as the personal effects of 2022’sDobbsruling reverberate. “Voters technically don’t choose Supreme Court justices or federal judges, but candidate running for president and for the Senate will wealthy person the opportunity to define the shape of the tribunal for decennary to come done their nomination and confirmation of judges,” explain Skye Perryman, President and chief executive officer of democracy Forward and an advisory board member of Moms for a Fair Court.

Immigration policy

The gen Xers canvass be Sir Thomas More likely to focussing on immigration atomic number 33 A top concern (11 percent vs. 6 per centum of millennials and quadruplet percent of Gen Z), and so be Republicans and those that lean Republican (16 pct vs. 3 per centum of Democrat and 5 per centum of Independents). Black respondents were the least likely to say immigration Washington their top priority, at just 2 percent, while those with higher incomes (above $75,000 a year) were more likely to prioritize the issue at 11 percent.

In North Carolinas House district 25, Republican officeholder Gracie Chesser backed recent statute law that would require sheriffs across the province to cooperate with Immigration and impost enforcement (ICE), including apotential mass deportation run. This district travel for Biden in 2020, and if Chesser falls to democratic contender Lorenza Wilkins, it could break the GOP’s supermajority in the legislature.

in MN House District 11A, meanwhile, Democrat Pete Radosevich be running to unseat Republican Jeff Dotseth, World Health Organization HA introduced statute law that would nix sanctuary cities in the state. These two antecedently faced off in 2022, when Dotseth defeated Radosevich past less than 3 points.

Climate modification

just V per centum of survey-takers listed climate as their top priority (including just 7 per centum of Democrat and democratic leaners) though more than half overall say it was “very important” to them.

in Utah, Republican bathroom Curtis be running to replacefellow Republican manus Romneyin the U.S. Senate and hour angle push his political party to take this issue seriously. atomic number 2 founded and leads the conservativist climate caucus as A congresswoman and backs increased support for clean energy. “At the end of the day, we all tending astir going the Earth better than we found it,” Curtis recently tell the sierra Club.

clime activists have raised incertitude about Curtis based on his support for carbon capture—a response to the crisis that’s regard Thomas More friendly to fossil-fuel industries—and his opposition to the rising prices Reduction Act, the vehicle for president Biden’s foremost accomplishments on this issue. His democratic opponent, Carolean Gleich, be an environmental activist World Health Organization hour angle put option clime concern at the center of her campaign.

surveyed 2,004 women or nonbinary eligible voter age 18-55 from January 24-31, 2024. The survey WA fielded on-line via a self-administered questionnaire to AN opt-in panel of respondents from a market research vendor. Quotas were implemented inch sampling using benchmark from American community Survey (ACS) from the United States census Bureau for region, age, race/ethnicity, household income, and NORC’s General mixer survey and pew research center for political leaning by generation.