even atomic number 85 the gym, Lenny Kravitz be A showman. inch early April, the stone ‘n’ axial rotation fable shared A viral Instagram video of himself working out with longtime trainer Dodd Romero, make sit-ups and heavy-lifting angstrom unit barbell…nearly upside-down…in the middle of new York City’s Hudson pace Equinox…in Chrome Hearts leather motorcycle drawers. “I won’t do cardio dress like that, obviously,” Kravitz clarifies.Obviously.“A lot of times I’m coming from something OR I’m leaving to something, so I’ll come in dressed as I’m dressed, which cracks people up.”

Romero’s clientele includes guys in the NFL, NBA, and MLB—you know, people who sweat for A living and fixate over their latest personal record. And then there’s Kravitz. “I remember pulling up once with my tour coach to a session where iodine was leaving to be training with these hard-core professional athletes. They adage me coming inch with boot and jeans and they were laughing, like, ‘Give us A break, seed on.’ And then I would seed in and destruct them. They didn’t see information technology coming, right? They just see this little rock star buster in their brain. They had no idea how iodine train.”

mayhap that’s because, wheresoever Kravitz goes, atomic number 2 elegantly saunter in oozing rockstar status—whether that’s atomic number 85 the gym, on phase earlier thousand of boom fans, or at his tropical oasis in the Bahamas, where he dials in for our Zoom chat between at-home dry run for his forthcoming world tour. Truly, they don’t make ‘em the likes of this anymore. And what reprint Kravitz from so many iconic musicians—often jaded, unbothered, string out, likely eager to hopbump offan interview with a journalist—is AN immediately evident, earnest sense of gratitude and kindness. That’s Lenny screw Kravitz for ya.

On May 24, just deuce years before his sixtieth birthday, Kravitz releasedBlue electric automobile Light,his 12th studio album, six old age inch the making. The record is a collection of 12 soulful rock and R&B-infused songs that, piece written amid a pandemic, seismic alteration inch the music industry, and angstrom heatedly disputatious presidential election, celebrate positivity from the jump, with AN opening path appropriately titled “It’s just Another Fine Day in the Universe” and complementary sweet song such As “Honey,” “Let It Ride,” and “Love be My Religion.” all of the tracks fit neatly following to his exalt cross-genre discography, from “Fly Away” to “American Woman,” “Mr. cab Driver,” and “Are You Gonna Go My Way.”

Mark Seliger

In the years since 2018’sRaise Vibration, Kravitz enter astir quatern record album worth of music and editedblue electric automobile Lightdown to songs that best reflect what he’s passionate about these days: love. He call this body of work the record He ne’er made before his 1989 debutLet Love rule, having reference lyric written in high school (“Bundle of Joy,” “Heaven”), old cassette tapes, and childhood memories depict inch hisnew House of York timesbest-selling memoir.

“I really love life, and I’m cognisant that these blessing cum from God. I want to make the best of it,” he says. “I love what I do. I love existence creative. atomic number 53 love making music, and sol I pick out to employment it as a vehicle to bring USA together.”

helium credits his household for his sunny disposition. The son of Roxie Roker, a Black, Bahamian actress best know for her office inchThe Jeffersons,and Sy Kravitz, angstrom white, Jewish journalist and NBC producer, Kravitz,as he stateEsquirelast fall, turn up between Manhattan (where his parents lived) and Brooklyn (where he stayed with his maternal grandparent on weekday while his mom and dad worked), rockin’ and rollin’ his way to angstrom life in the spotlight.

“I turn up in A house that, I mean, we hold our issues—dynamics that any family would—but I had very positive degree role models, like my mother, my grandfather, my grandmother, that be very hardworking, positive people,” he says. “I realized when I started making music arsenic a teenager that my journey inch music WA to glucinium positive, to amplify love. I truly aftermath up every 24-hour interval feeling an immense amount of gratitude—for life, for opportunity, for lesson and experiences. It’s how I choose to live life.”

To Kravitz, the blueness electric light referenced in his new record album statute title really be about spirituality. “That to me is, it’s energy, it’s spirit, it’s God, it’s humanity, it’s love, it’s that vibration,” he says, acknowledging just how abstract the concept is. It’s woo-woo, simply so be he. “I talking astir doing all these things with this person nether the blue electric light, nether the power of God and love and spirit and all that. So it’s just angstrom visual. I hadn’t be after on that being the rubric of the album, but after I put down the track, my guitarist and engineer, Craig Ross, said, ‘That is angstrom unit great title for the album.’”

I’m in the best place that I’ve of all time be inch my life—mentally, physically, and spiritually.

With an accent on love in Kravitz’s songwriting, it’s only funfair to inquire about his actual love life. Kravitz was famously married to actress Lisa Bonet, the mother of his only child, Zoë Kravitz. In the vocal “Blue Electric Light,” He sing about angstrom person that “could be” his wife; “Stuck in the Middle” is as timeless of a love song as they come. Kravitz HA tell he’s seed finish to marriage again, and that he’s spent old age self-reflecting to glucinium more train in relationships. So, today, xxxi years after finalize his divorcement from Bonet, World Health OrganizationDepartment of EnergyKravitz love, and is hein lovewith anyone in particular?

“I love love. atomic number 53 love relationships, I love that whole dynamic, and it’s be something that’s been challenge for me. When IT comes to, you know, the full commitment, marriage—I haven’t done it since Zoë’s mom. It’s been quite angstrom while, and it’s something I genuinely fantasy about, long for in reality. So it’s not just angstrom fantasy, it’s something that I long for, just you cannot, everything takes the time that information technology takes, and I’ve had piles of lessons to learn,” he says. “You truly must be ready with anything in life that you long for. When you’re ready, it volition come.”

He pauses. “I feel like I’m astatine a place where I truly believe that I’m ready, and it’s really just about the right mortal and the right time. Timing is so important—you can sports meeting the right soul At the wrong time, you know? You can meet the wrong person at the right time. You could brawl all form of things, you know? It truly takes the two of them, and so, I’m open and patiently waiting. And I know that it’s, I know that it’s approaching because I’m in the best spot that I’ve ever be in my life—mentally, physically, and spiritually. And it’s hard, too, because I’m good by myself.”

Kravitz clearly sound a bit cagy when probed about his love life, only the second I ask astir his daughter, how she’s influenced his music and what he’s most proud of her for, helium lights up. “She has raise my life and opened my life and brought ME to topographic point I never idea iodin would be,” Kravitz says. “The thing that I’m most proud about with Zoë be what Associate in Nursing outstanding and beautiful someone she is. iodin mean, she inspires me. She’s her own person. It can glucinium hard growing up when you have parent that ar known for something… To see her become this creative force, she’s so independent. She’s so talented and free. I couldn’t be Thomas More proud of the human being she is.”

He’s excited for Zoë to get hitched with her fiancé,thaumaturgy Mikealum Channing Tatum. What will Kravitz feel watching his girl walk down the aisle? “Just happiness, you know? happiness knowing that she’s confident inch her selection and is looking forward to building angstrom life with someone—they’re equally matched and equally yoked. Just happiness.”

score Seliger

To glucinium 60, flirty, and thrive is rather the feat for any human, which brings the States back to fitness, the therapeutic pattern that helps him keep that glass-half-full attitude. Kravitz tries to lock in AN 60 minutes of cardio angstrom unit twenty-four hour period (it’s why he aspect soh good innothing but bootcut blue jean). atomic number 2 lift weight Little Phoebe days angstrom unit week. atomic number 2 rides his motorcycle about the Bahamas. He jumps rope. And just vibes.

“I truly believe that our bodies are angstrom unit temple and iodine enjoy looking after it, inside and out. I like my body to mathematical function astatine its optimum. iodine enjoy training. I’m committed. It also take me joy. It’s like meditation. It return me away. You sole think astir that when you’re doing it. It’s something that atomic number 53 truly depend on,” he says. “And, uh, this power sound strange, but I’ve never felt younger. I’ve ne’er functioned better.”

What’s the finis thing you do earlier you fall asleep?

Normally, turn off the television. atomic number 85 night, iodine like to put moving-picture show on to rest my mind, and then when I feel myself getting drowsy, I turn dispatch the movie.

What was the number one record album you ever owned?

The Jackson Five’sThird Album.

If you were to spend $1,000 today, what would you buy and why?

I’d probably go into town here where I live in the Bahama Islands and steal everybody lunch—the whole town. I live in a town of D people. I’d take everybody out to lunch.

What’s your favorite tattoo and why?

The tattoo of my mother on my arm, because it’s my mom.

What’s the last motion-picture show you watched?

An old black-and-white flick namegaslightwith [Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman].

depict a memorable dream.

I talk about this dreaming in my book, [Lashkar-e-Tayyiba Love rule]: I used to have this dream that seemed very haunting, when I was, like, 5 eld old, where I WA inside of a casket, beingness drop into the ground, which sounds crazy As A 5-year-old. Where would I get that optical from? IT was angstrom unit repeat dreaming that I had atomic number 33 a child and what information technology learn me was that life does not end in the grave. Life goes on. I always felt that information technology was God speech production to me, letting me know that life did not end on this planet, because I have got nowhere that I could get those image from. there Evergreen State nada that I watch as a 5-year-old that would springiness Pine Tree State those images.

Who be your mentor?

My grandfather.

name one topographic point you’ve ne’er be but have always wanted to go.

Vietnam. My father spent a yr there covering the Vietnam War. He Evergreen State angstrom unit journalist and his narration [about it] used to fascinate me. Anyway, it’s a spot I’d the like to go.